WNL Topic

Join our study to learn about

the Nicene Creed.  What we commonly call the “Nicene Creed” today was formed primarily at the Council of Nicaea in 325 and Council of Constantinople in 381.  It is a summary of the main beliefs of the Christian faith.  It very specifically proclaims the doctrine of the Trinity, one God in three persons.  The study will work through each line of the Creed and provide Biblical support for these doctrines.  

Past sessions of this series on the Nicene Creed can be accessed here.

Fellowship meal begins at 5:30 PM (offered on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at this time), Service and Study at 6:15, and activities conclude by 7:30.  Whether you feel like you know a good bit about the Bible or not come join us!

The Bible is not only the best selling book in the history of the world, but also the most important.  It is collection of up 66 books that are divinely inspired by God Himself.  God has revealed who He is, the way of salvation, and principles for life in its pages.  Join us as we learn the truths presented in the Word of God.

Past Wednesday Night Light Studies Available in recorded format:



1, 2, 3 John


Heaven and Hell

Jesus Unmasked (How Jesus fulfills the Old Testament)
