
Jesus with Children

Christians are all children of God (Galatians 3:26). Some of us just happen to be older than others! Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ certainly valued children and spoke of them and to them in the Gospels (St. Matthew 19:13-14). At Christ the King we seek to help provide Christian teaching to your children in a safe and loving environment.  We seek to not only teach Bible stories, but communicate to young people that God is living and active in their lives.

During Wednesday Night Light children and adults are together for the time of food and fellowship. We also all join together for a brief opening service. After this, children attend a class where they learn a Bible lesson and have opportunities for other activities while the adult class is taking place.

For younger children we offer a staffed nursery where they can be cared for.

On Sunday mornings we have a “Children’s Sermon” on non-Communion Sundays where the children come forward for a lesson from the Pastor relating to the Bible text that the sermon is based on.  On each Sunday we also offer a “Children’s Church” for younger children during the sermon with a Sunday School type lesson.  At Christ the King we also believe that it is important for children to worship with their families in the Divine Service, so the Children’s Church is only a portion of the Service (primarily during the sermon).

As children grow and mature in their faith, a Confirmation Class where young people learn about the Christian faith is offered.